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Three Bridges

COVID-19 Planning & Information

The school will be reopening (again!) to all pupils on 8 March 2021.  Below, you can find our dynamic (a document that gets updated when guidance or practice changes!) risk assessments and reopening plans.  

We will update this page based on national guidance, the professional bodies' union advice, guidance from the local authority and our own assessment of risk based on our own unique factors such as staffing, health, safety & hygiene, safeguarding and site requirements.  

You can also find links to the information about our Remote Provision here.  However, the Class DoJo and Google Classroom will always be the best place to get information about the rapidly changing guidance and provision.  


Remote Provision - What to Expect 

Dynamic Opening Plan (live document/updated when necessary)

Dynamic Risk Assessment (live document/updated when necessary)

Lateral Flow Testing (LFT) Risk Assessment (staff)

ReOpening Video Series

Canoeing & Kayaking Risk Assessment (Years 3 & 5)

Forest School Risk Assessment (Years R, 2, 4 & 6)