Our Curriculum
We are deeply proud of our curriculum at Three Bridges.
In 2018, we engaged in a wide consultation with parents, governors, staff and the children, asking 2 BIG questions:
1 - What are our hopes, dreams, and aspirations for our young people today and tomorrow?
2 - What knowledge, skills, and habits of mind do they need to uncover that within themselves?
Using the responses to these questions, we completed a thematic analysis, grouping common ideas together. It was an incredible exercise.
What emerged from this were 6 core themes. These themes now make up the deep and interwoven concepts across the entire school for each of our 6 terms.
Mind, Body & Soul
Our Place in the World
Nurturing Nature
What Are We Fighting For?
Leading Learners
Our World United
But our work was not done there. The majority of resources available to implement the primary curriculum are reflective of one voice, one experience, one narrative. Often, this is not reflective of the global community or the community at Three Bridges. We decided we could, with lots of reflection, study, support and challenge, make it better. And our Global, Multi-Ethnic, and Inclusive curriculum was born.
A Global, Multi-Ethnic & Inclusive Curriculum is about rethinking, reframing and reconstructing the current curriculum in order to make it better, and more inclusive. It is about expanding our notions of good literature so it doesn’t always elevate one voice, one experience, and one way of being in the world. It is about considering how different frameworks, traditions and knowledge projects can inform each other, how multiple voices can be heard, and how new perspectives emerge from mutual learning. It concerns not only what is taught and how it is critiqued, but how it is taught, which gives rise to an understanding of inclusion that addresses how schooling is experienced.
It requires sustained collaboration, discussion and experimentation among groups of teachers and pupils, who themselves have power to make things happen on the ground and think about what might be done differently. The change has taken different forms in different phases across different subjects.
It requires the courage to admit that any knowledge could and should be open to challenge and question; regardless of its original power relations. It is about how we can ensure a system where all those who work and learn at Three Bridges can do so under conditions of dignity, respect and security.
Below is the National Curriculum for Primary Schools
Physical Education
Art & Design
Religious Education
Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education
If you would like further information about the curriculum, please:
1 - Look at the Department for Education's information about The National Curriculum
2 - Speak to your child's class teacher
3 - Speak to the Leader or Assistant Headteacher responsible for the year group of your child