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Three Bridges

Lesson & Learning Study

Lesson & Learning Study at Three Bridges Primary School: Empowering Teachers, Transforming Outcomes

Since its introduction in 2015, Lesson Study at Three Bridges Primary School has significantly enhanced teaching practices and strengthened the school climate. This collaborative professional development approach brings teachers together to investigate and refine their instructional strategies through a structured cycle of planning, observing, and reflecting on lessons. Rooted in shared inquiry, the method empowers teachers to address challenges and innovate within their classrooms.

The impact has been profound. According to a longitudinal study, Lesson Study has not only improved pupil outcomes, but has also fostered a positive school climate where teachers feel valued and supported. By replacing traditional top-down monitoring with a collaborative and reflective culture, the school has seen sustained improvements in teacher self-efficacy and a collective commitment to inclusive education. Over the years, this approach has evolved into a cornerstone of professional learning at Three Bridges, exemplifying how shared practice and mutual trust can drive long-term success.

You can see samples of our study posters and findings below