Partnerships & Collaborations
In collaboration with Professor Nikolaus Steinbeis, head of the Developmental Change and Plasticity Lab at University College London, our partnership research focuses on the development of critical cognitive skills crucial for future success, including self-control and agency, particularly exploring how these skills evolve during childhood and ways to enhance them. The partnership involves on-site studies and inviting parents and children to participate in UCL projects. In return, Professor Steinbeis and his team offer insightful lectures and workshops at Three Bridges on brain development's implications for education. This collaboration holds great potential for advancing our understanding of positive child development and the intricate processes shaping young minds. |
We are extremely excited to be involved in the UK’s first coding league for Primary aged children. The first ever league, starting September 2024 has attracted 95 teams from Primary schools in the UK and beyond! The league, which encourages more Primary school children to get involved in coding has 3 main parts- Code - Promote and encourage coding and programming within your setting, as children participate in 8 unique, exciting and engaging challenges across the academic year. Create - Allow children to have the ability to get creative, express their individual ideas and personality and share them with the world. Collaborate - Team work makes the dream work. Inspire your children to come together and collaborate on something truly remarkable and be proud of what they can achieve together. Our Computing Specialist Teacher, Miss Coakley-Hanan, is delighted to be part of the judging team of Computing Specialists, especially chosen for their expertise, from all over the UK. |
In 2022-23, Ms Coakley-Hanan, our Computing specialist teacher, was part of a team who completed a research project around Culturally Relevant and Responsive Pedagogy in Primary Computing. Click on the link to view the guidance produced as a result Culturally relevant and responsive A guide for curriculum design and teaching computing in the classroom In 2023-24, we were involved in a collaborative project in which Computing specialists from both primary and secondary worked together to produce a set of guidelines for Computing teachers regarding the use of AI in the classroom. Click on this link to see the resulting booklet that was produced Using generative AI in the classroom A guide for computing teachers Moving forwards, we are delighted to be undertaking some further action research, Teacher Inquiry in Computing Education (TICE2) around introducing our pupils to various careers and opportunities that the study of Computing could lead to in the future and aiming to bridge the gender and equality gaps. |
Under the tutelage of Dr Rahul Bharat, Consultant Community Paediatrics
& Lead for Neurodisability and Epilepsy in the CDC Hillingdon, Three Bridges was a trial centre for the Early Years Solution SEND training and development software, including a lecture series delivered to staff by Dr Bharat aimed at developing awareness and strategy for supporting neurodiversity and neurodisability in primary school settings. |
We are an active partner in the Ealing Learning partnership, which is a partnership between schools and the council to promote educational excellence and wellbeing for all learners through collaboration and innovation. Dr Hannay has chaired both the Learning & Achievement committee and the Business Sustainability Group. He was also a Cluster Leader of 13 schools in the partnership and led the first Oracy group within the partnership using Student Focused Coaching. |
Teach West London is the Teaching School Hub for the four London boroughs of Ealing, Harrow, Hillingdon and Hounslow. Three Bridges is a primary lead training and development partner, delivering Initial Teacher Training (ITT), the Early Careers Framework (ECF) and National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) to professionals across the 4 boroughs. Mrs Valerio and Mr O'Connell are the lead facilitators for Early Career teachers. |
Trees for Cities is the only UK charity that is working at a national and international scale by planting trees in cities. Mrs Rossi has been leading on a project that has supported the development of a fruit orchard and planting patch. This work has been an incredible partnership between the school, the parent council, ISS and Tress for Cities. |
Sandringham is a successful school in Newham serving over 1000 children. A school with a deep alignment with Three Bridges, we undertake close to practice research studies within and between our schools, often collaborating to improve learning and teaching, leadership, and community service. | |
Harbour International Primary School is located in Rotterdam, Netherlands. We have been working in collaboration with Harbour for a number of years to improve teacher practice and children's outcomes in mathematics, while Dr Hannay provides leadership support and development. | |
Admera Education is a consultancy group that has introduced the Singaporean approach to mathematics in Sweden. They supported the publication of textbooks and workbooks in Sweden and deliver training across the country to improve the quality of mathematics teacher and learning in Sweden. Three Bridges hosts delegations of Swedish teachers and leaders to the school each year. In return, teachers from Three Bridges visit Sweden, and develop relationships with schools, leaders and teachers in Sweden, further enhancing pedagogy and practice. |
A Well School places just as much emphasis on health and wellbeing as it does on academic performance. It understands that children and young people are more effective learners when they are happy and healthy, and that they must take care of their staff and their pupils wellbeing to create a culture that allows everyone to reach their potential. Dr Hannay sits on the Advisory Board for Well Schools and Three Bridges is a founding school of the movement. Well Schools is powered by The Youth Sport Trust. |
The Maths — No Problem! Accredited Schools Initiative recognises leading schools who have successfully embedded the programme within their setting. Three Bridges has delivered a variety of training sessions locally, nationally and internationally. We were one of the first schools in the country to receive the accreditation and have supported thousands of teachers and school leaders to develop their practice. Dr Hannay, Mrs Valerio and Mr O'Connell are the first group of Master Teacher Trainers in the UK. |