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Three Bridges

SEND Interventions


Strategies to support/develop English skills inc. reading

Differentiated support in class 

Small group targeted English support each day for a small number of children in years 1-3

Afternoon Sounds Write phonics intervention for identified children across the school. Run by  trained TAs.

English as an Additional Language support

Reading Recovery



Strategies/programmes to support speech, language and communication

Support and advice from Ealing Speech and Language Therapy Service

Implementation/delivery of Speech and Language Programmes by trained TAs in school

Interventions from Ealing Speech and Language Therapy services: Lego therapy, Talking Box

Use of appropriate visual timetables

Visual supports to aid comprehension

Use of appropriate social stories

Access to Ealing Speech and Language Therapy Service training for both staff in school and parents



Strategies to support/develop Maths skills

Singapore Maths used as a model for teaching and learning: Child led learning focusing on mastery

Small group support in class through guided teaching



Strategies to support and develop independent learning skills

Shared ownership of learning

High expectations of all children, including those with special educational needs

Targeted teaching of independent learning skills and use of identified teaching strategies to facilitate the application of these skills across the curriculum



Supporting Occupational Therapy needs

Support and advice from Ealing Occupational Therapy Service

Delivery of planned Occupational Therapy programmes by trained TAs.

Occupational therapy targets and strategies integrated into class based learning and P.E. sessions where possible.



Mentoring, supporting and modify behaviour 

Use of school’s behaviour policy

Restorative justice approach

Cognitive behaviour packages

Use of learning partners

Support from the Ealing Primary Behaviour Service



Provision to facilitate/support access to the curriculum

Incredible teaching for all children

Embedded graduated approach to SEN support

Small group support from TAs (in FS and Yr1)

One to one support from a TA, where outlined in a child’s EHCP

Mastery interventions taught by class teachers in the afternoon to support class based learning


Regularly reviewed Individual Education Plans to support children with special educational needs

Access to a supportive environment – IT facilities (inc. IPads and interactive boards in each class)/equipment/resources (inc. preparation)

Resources adapted so they are easily accessible to all children (inc. key text enlarged where necessary)

Specialist equipment and resources to support access to the curriculum, where necessary



Strategies to reduce anxiety, enhance self-esteem and promote social, emotional and mental health

Individual support for each child by all staff, taking account of children’s individual needs and ensuring inclusivity

Termly review meetings to discuss strengths, difficulties and progress, with children and parents/carers

TA run small group support for anxious speakers and children lacking self-confidence

Close links with SAFE and Ealing Social Services

Access to advice and support from outside agencies: CDT, CAMHS, Speech and Language



Support/supervision at unstructured times of the day

TAs providing supervision and support and initiating games at playtimes

Good ratio of lunchtime supervisors

Lunchtime clubs/ sports clubs provided by TAs, outside organisations and trained PE coach



Supporting medical needs

Implementation of Individual Health Care Plans

Access to advice and support from the Ealing School Nursing Service

Training identified and provided for staff supporting pupils with medical needs

Staff trained in First Aid:

·         1 day First Aid at Work training (whole staff)

·         Paediatric First Aid (identified staff)

·         4 day First Aid training (identified staff)

2 Mental Health First Aiders

1 Medical Room Staff




Liaison/Communication with Professionals/Parents, attendance at meetings and preparation of reports

Support from a wide range of agencies supporting particular needs: See local offer  

( https://www.ealingfamiliesdirectory.org.uk/kb5/ealing/directory/localoffer.page?localofferchannel=0 )

Liaison with a wide range of professionals to support all children

Regular attendance at meetings for children with SEND, including review meetings

Good home-school communication and regular meetings with parents/carers

Invitations to parents to join in with school SEND training

Support for parents who have concerns – ‘Open Door’ policy